I started with "My Memory" section in essay book since early this year. It would be a piece of work from students that wouldn't be judged, regardless of what they wrote and how mangled the grammar were. The students seemed to enjoy the session, especially after reading the comments I made for their stories. They seemed to be more motivated to write. Some even wrote more than a page everytime I carry out the task and they were in 5D!
I discovered that the restraint for students to write was not because of the language, entirely. They tend to have a writer block because of a sudden loss of english word to use. They wanted to explain something, but then were stuck looking in dictionary for the right words to use until in the end, accomplished nothing.They were afraid to write because they KNEW teacher would jugde it.
Freedom was something that we sometimes forget to give during our lesson. We were so used to control that we forgot that sometimes, we need to let go of the string a little to let the kite fly higher.
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